Heat Cycle Test

Heat Cycle Test

Heat Cycle Test Systems are built to increase and manage the temperature of a conductor or other low impedance electrical loop. This simulates the current loading conditions found in electrical circuits.

How do they work?

These systems achieve heating by using the test loop as the secondary winding of a current transformer, which inductively heats the loop. The loop’s temperature is measured by a K-type thermocouple probe that makes direct contact with the conductor of the test loop.

Available as either low voltage or high voltage test systems, the low voltage system uses one loop of the conductor passing through a number of current transformer (CT) carts to achieve the required current level. Additionally, impulse tests can be conducted on the high voltage side of the setup.

These systems are designed to operate on a 400V, 2-phase supply from a 3-phase AC source. They can supply up to 6000 Amperes in cable loops up to 15 meters long, provided the cables have the appropriate capacity. Various optional accessories are also available, including advanced control systems.

  • Type k thermocouples
  • Safety Interlocks
  • Automatic and manual control of test sequences
  • Timer for up to 900 hours
  • Zero start interlock
  • Mobile CT carts with castors
  • Updateable software
  • Main Power Breaker
  • Inductive Current Compensation

Standard Accessories

  • PID Controller.
  • Cart to cart power cable.
  • Cart to cart measurement cable.

Optional Accessories/Features

  • Fiber Cable based PID Controller.
  • Impulse string insulator support.
  • High Voltage Insulation up to 132 kV.
Parameter Description
1 Input Voltage 380 / 400V 2 phase 50/60HZ 
2 Output Current Up to 6000A
3 Temperature Thermocouple k-type(Optically isolated) or fiber optic type
4 Cable length Upto 15 meter
5 Current Injection carts each capable to 750 Amps
6 No. of carts Upto 7
7 Heating Control PID controlled with zero interlock bypass
8 Timer Upto 30 days
9 AmpereMeter Range and Accuracy  Range: As per capacity Accuracy: 0.5%

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