Secondary Current Injection Test Set - Three Phase

Secondary Current Injection Test Set - Three Phase

Designed for both field and lab use, our Secondary Current Injection Test Sets are built to be portable and lightweight, yet powerful enough to handle all your relay and contactor testing needs. These compact units come equipped with built-in safety features to protect against short circuits and overloads, making them easy and safe to operate. We offer them in single-phase and three-phase configurations to suit your specific application.

  • Lightweight design
  • Suitable for static as well as electromechanical relays
  • Instantaneous operation of less than 2mS
  • Unit designed for AC/DC voltage current and relays
  • Facilities to test IDMT relays

Standard Accessories

  • Output AC voltage and AC current cable.
  • Output DC voltage cable.
Parameter Description
1 I/p Voltage  380/400 Three phase 50 Hz/60Hz AC Supply
2 O/p Current Up to 100A
3 O/p Voltage  0- 400Vx3 AC, 0-400VDC
4 Duty Cycle  As required
5 Control 1 – Manually controlled unit for current. 2 – Manually controlled unit for AC/DC voltage. 3 – A Timer ON/OFF switch Shall be provided. 4 – Current ON/OFF switch to stop the current and timer for the reading. 5 – ‘Reset switch’ to re-start the timer and Ammeter. 6 – ‘Start’ switch shall be start time and current together.
6 Metering 1 – Digital Ammeter: Will be provided with built-in CT’s 2 – Digital Voltmeter x 3 AC 3 – Digital Timer: 0.9999-9999 Sec. 4 – DC: Will be provided.
7 Termination Timer NO/NC terminal AC terminal 0-400V DC terminal 0-400V Current terminal 0-100A
8 Control Panel (i)ON/OFF switch (ii)Digital Output Ampere meter for AC and Voltmeter for AC and DC voltage. (iii) ‘Start push’ button and ‘reset push’ button and ‘off push’ button. (iv)Phase Shifter (v) Phase Angle meter/power Factor Meter (vi)Phase Sequence Meter

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