Tracking Index

Tracking Index

The Tracking Resistance Erosion Test Equipment is used to test how solid electrical insulating materials react to surface tracking under electrical stress, water, and contaminants from the environment.

The grading of materials based on the tracking index might differ from results obtained through other measurement methods.

However, the tracking index results themselves are not directly used to determine safe creepage distances when designing electrical equipment.

How does it work?

During the test, drops of an electrolyte are systematically applied to the surface of insulating materials between two electrodes, while voltage is applied. The point at which breakdown occurs across the surface correlates with the applied voltage.

The numerical voltage values corresponding to these critical breakdown points define the tracking resistance. This test emphasizes the need for prompt execution.

Moreover, the degree of comparative tracking is indicated by the number of drops required to initiate tracking at a test voltage set 10% below the critical breakdown voltage.

  • Compact, space-saving design with cutting-edge technology. Facilitate proper use of space and minimize the size of the equipment.
  • User-friendly operation – learn once, use effortlessly.
  • Zero start interlocking, earthing, electrode box, and cage door interlocking are some of the features that make the equipment very safe for the user.

Standard Accessories

  • Main Unit
Technical Specifications 
Parameters Description
1 Input voltage 220/ 230 Volts, Single phase 50/60 Hz. AC supply.
2 Output voltage 0-10KV
3 Output Current 100mA
4 Capacity 1 KVA
5 Rating Testing duty (Continuous).
6 Cooling Air-cooled.
(Peristaltic Pump Section)  
7 No. of Channel Up to Five
8 RPM 0.01 to 9.99
9 Flow Rate 0.12 to 600 ml/hr
10 1.2 to 120 ml/hr in 1 mm I.D. tubing  
11 3.0 to 300 ml/hr in 2 mm I.D. tubing  
12 6.0 to 600 ml/hr in 3 mm I.D. tubing  
13 (with 1 or 1.5 mm wall thickness)  
14 Pressure Up to 2 kg/
15 Supply 230 v, 50 Hz, A.C.
16 Motor DC Stepper Motor
17 Temp. range 0 to 50 deg. C
The Unit consists of the following : 1) HV Section 2) Peristaltic Pump Section (HV Section)
  • Regulating transformer
  • Main transformer
  • LT ON indicator
  • Fault indicator
  • HT ON indicator
  • Push button actuate HT ON
  • Push button cut off HT
  • KV Meter 0-10KV
  • mA Meter 0-100mA
  • Knob to increase and decrease of output voltage
  • Trip selector
(Peristaltic Pump Section) The parasitic pump is a single-channel pump that is widely used in industrial applications and laboratories where a precise flow rate is crucial. A stepper motor-driven roller cage provides the pumping action. Temperature has little effect on the internal or motor. There is a load and line compensation circuit in this pump. Moreover, carbon-filled nylon is used to make the rollers for trouble-free functioning. Even in the presence of variations in load or line voltage, the electronic circuit maintains a steady flow rate.

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